Get Your

Web Apps Built



How it works?

  1. Start Subscription

    Pay a fixed monthly fee. No need to worry about cost changes!

  2. Make Requests

    Make unlimited requests and change scope as many times as you desire

  3. Agile Work

    A request is completed and deployed live. You can continue making requests and scope changes

  4. Pause Or Resume Any Time

    Whenever you resume, continue using your remaining paid days from the time you paused without extra payment

  5. Hand Over

    Grab all the source codes with a smooth offboarding experience

Let's Start Building

$4995 per month


Async Communication
We all know how meetings waste our time! So we decided to work completely async 🧘
Trello-based Management
You can find all relevant information and actions on your Trello board 📍
Invite Your Team
Ask your team members to join the same Trello board so they can also contribute 💪

Generally asked questions

We are expert in the full-stack, backend and API only apps development. You can submit any project that can be considered as a custom software with exclusion of landing pages and e-commerce websites. Some of the examples of projects that we worked on are web3 games, survey platforms, online test and assessment platforms, SaaS apps, ETL pipelines, product management app, etc.

Can I ask to add a feature or fix on my existing project?
No. Right now, we only work on projects from scratch. So we can't work on your existing codebase.

Can I ask you to work with my existing developer team?
No. We do not work with engineers outside the AshGaikwad unless they are our signed partners. We are not accepring any entries to our signed partners network.

Valid question! The annual cost of good software engineer exceeds 100,000 USD and then there are benefits to pay and ESOPs to give. With a monthly flat fee plan you are asured of low cost for your company and you can pause and resume the subscription any time.

You submit unlimited requests in the backlog as "User Stories". Here are examples of some user stories: 'As a User I should be able to see reports dashboard', 'As an Admin I should be able to invite more people to my team'.

Your app will be live on one of our domains and you can access it there. This live app will be available throughout the membership. Once you decide to take the product to market, you can have access to source codes (via GitHub/GitLab). We can also help you get your production infrastructure setup (you will pay for your hosting services like AWS or GCP).

Once you start the subscription, you are a member. You can pause your membership at any time and resume it at any time. Subscription is billed monthly as 31 days cycle. So if you pause your service on 17th of a month, you still have 14 days of paid service left. Whenever you resume the membership, your 14 days will start.

You can add as many user stories as you want in the "Backlog" list on the Trello board. Once you are ready, drag one stroy from Backog to Active list on Trello. There could be only one user story in the "Active" list. Once that is completed, you can drag a next one from Backlog to Active.

That's a good question! Usually it takes between 45 minutes to 72 hours. The actual time depends upon the technical complexity of the story. Generally, when a new project is started, you can observe that stories take longer time to complete. That is mainly bacause we need to setup base technical work for each of the stories. As the time goes by, we need to do less of the setup work and you can observe that user stories are completing faster.
Schedule a discovery call

Let's get on a quick 15-min video call to understand your requirements and how can we work together.

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